The Cover page for the Career and Education Section of the Sunday's Observer read: 2012 Blogger of the Year Kimroy Bailey is Passionate about Robotics, Renewable Energy by Ainsworth Morris. The article original article was featured on February 3, 2013, and can be found on the Jamaica Observer website by clicking here.
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Kimroy Bailey, Jamaica Observer Career Cover Feature |
The announcement of his victory was made at the 3rd annual Jamaica Blog Awards ceremony held on January 19 at South Beach Café in Kingston.
"When the announcement was made that Kimroy Bailey was the Blogger of the Year, numerous thoughts consumed my mind. However, I feel truly humbled and give all the glory to the Heavenly Father," the 23-year-old told Career & Education.
Bailey said he is surprised at the win, because blogging is not a skill he has been practising for years.
"I started blogging in 2011 after I entered the competition. I wanted to write about my experiences with the competition and robotics. I thought blogging was an avenue where we could easily express ourselves and our thoughts. I have a deep love for robotics and renewable energy, so I decided to start a blog after the competition ended," said the 2012 graduate student of the University of Technology who has a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering.
"I started blogging in 2011 after I entered the competition. I wanted to write about my experiences with the competition and robotics. I thought blogging was an avenue where we could easily express ourselves and our thoughts. I have a deep love for robotics and renewable energy, so I decided to start a blog after the competition ended," said the 2012 graduate student of the University of Technology who has a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering.
He said initially, the name of the blog was Empowering Young Engineers, and his first two posts focused on Jamaica's engineering future and the robotics competition.
Kimroy Bailey collecting award for Best Personal Blog |
"My inspiration for my robotics post came from my personal experience at Wigton Wind Farm Limited where I worked during the summer of 2011," he said.
Bailey said that after posting the first two posts, his desire to spread the gospel of renewable energy motivated him to restructure his blog, change the name to his christian name and surname, change his presentation style, and include the slogan 'Inspiring Young Leaders, World Changers'.
At the Jamaica Blog Awards, Bailey also walked away with the trophy for Best Personal Blog and Top Blog Post for 2012, which was entitled '100% Renewable Jamaica'.
Challenges with, he told Career & Education, have been there since the first day he started the blog.
Challenges with, he told Career & Education, have been there since the first day he started the blog.
"The major challenge I have faced as a blogger is preparing content for my page. Right now, the major challenge I face is getting other contributing authors who are willing to partner with me in preparing articles about renewable energy in Jamaica," he said.
He said copping the top blogger trophy for 2012 was no easy task for him. He not only had to seek votes from his global audience, but do intense research on robotics and renewable energy, then compile interesting and unique blog posts which his audience would find interesting, be wowed after reading, and then vote on.

He said his readers can expect more from in 2013.
"I hope to take my web content to a new dimension for 2013. Having seen the work Creative Engine did for the Blog Awards website, I have been inspired to partner with them. I hope that partnership will help me to build and establish my brand in the renewable energy and robotics industry," Bailey said.
"Taking my blog to the next level in terms of the way the content is being delivered will bring reader satisfaction," he added.
His advice for struggling bloggers or those who have been aspiring to be awarded for their work is that there is no blueprint for being on top.
"Therefore, I would encourage you to ensure that your philosophies and values are represented by the content of your blog," he said.
The other winners at the Jamaica Blog Awards were 13th Street Promotions for Best Music Blog and Best Entertainment Blog; Geezam for Best Technology Blog; Natalia Oh! for Best Beauty and Fashion Blog; Cultural Voice for Best Photography Art Blog; Hummingbird Hall Wedding Blog for Best Company and Business Blog; Just Hitched Now What for Best New Blog; Jomarie Malcolm for Best Twitter Micro Blogger; Lace & Zippers for Best Jamaican Tumblr Blog; Petchary's Blog for Best Jamaican Focused Blog; Maximize My Life for Best Lifestyle Blog and Veritas for Best News and Current Affairs Blog.
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Kimroy Bailey collecting the Blogger of the Year Award |
The blog awards acknowledge excellence in blogging, and organisers hope others will develop an interest in the medium and seek to express themselves
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